Sign A – Lettering art done by Mark A. (me)
Many years ago, I actively blogged. In short, it was my way of continuing with writing, in some form and putting my thoughts out there. My blogging was not for the purpose and hopes of someone reading my posts, or because my thoughts warranted consumption by the masses. It was thoroughly done for the interest of me.
A Dialogue With Self
At the risk of coming off as self-centered, I am admitting that these writings are for me. Primarily, it is a way to exercise a retrospective and challenge my perceptions. Secondly, it is to consume and analyze the world about me for all things that interest me; whether that be books, technology, or art. And lastly, it is to document the banal meanderings of the day to the remarkable moments we treasure.
A New Brand
I must also admit that this marks a long needed rebrand of self. I’ve slowly found myself being made more visible online as opposed to being anonymous. Why not step out into the light?
While the branding is not complete, I will continue to make small changes that will get me there. Don’t be alarmed if something seems off; I’ll get to it in due time.
Who Am I?
In short, I’m a Creative. That includes songwriting, poetry, technical writing and now fictional writing. I love writing and by extension, I love reading. I also love graphic design but am new to the practice. I enjoy hand lettering and other small doodlings. One such piece you can see above.
I also live and work in tech. I started my tech life as a web developer building and designing websites and I still have a love of this but am very out of practice. I don’t consider myself a programmer, but I have enjoyed coding, mostly front-end. I’ve played in video editing, and I LOVE audio editing, the focus in each is in post-production. Speaking of…
I’ve started my own audio production & publishing house where the projects are self-generated. It’s called
By day, I work in the technology support field where I provide premier support to customers that use my employer’s development tools software. An easy extension as I also have a software configuration background.
In Closing
I don’t think I need to explain more. This will be a personal blog, where I will share the everyday life, lettering art, and drawings I make, as well as writings on various topics, and personal essays.
I hope to see you around.